Congratulations on finally getting your allotment plot!
Allotments are a highly sought after and precious resource. It is important that now you have it you get the best out of your plot for maximum enjoyment and satisfaction.
You may be wondering: what do I do now?
Relax, there are a great many people around you in the allotment community who will be more than happy to help. Informal contact is always best but there is also an established framework to keep things together and moving forward. FEDAGA is the federation of allotment associations in Edinburgh and this is a little introduction to what we do...
Allotments are a highly sought after and precious resource. It is important that now you have it you get the best out of your plot for maximum enjoyment and satisfaction.
You may be wondering: what do I do now?
Relax, there are a great many people around you in the allotment community who will be more than happy to help. Informal contact is always best but there is also an established framework to keep things together and moving forward. FEDAGA is the federation of allotment associations in Edinburgh and this is a little introduction to what we do...
Be Part Of The CommunityMost sites have some form of organisation. This may be a formal site committee which helps to organise useful activity on the site or maybe just one person who takes the initiative. The first step is make yourself known to one of these people so you can be included. Talk to your neighbours. They are mostly friendly!
You can join the federation of allotment sites in Edinburgh, FEDAGA, for a nominal fee. On Council run sites you can do this when you pay your annual rent.
Independently managed sites have their own arrangements for affiliation. The cost is £3.50 for plotholders on Council sites (£2 is returned to site funds), and £1.50 for those on independent sites. Affiliation fees for independent site associations may vary. |
Get Members' BenefitsIf you provide an e-mail address we can keep you up to date with what’s happening. This might be an opportunity to buy seed potatoes, onion and shallot sets, etc. at discounted prices through allotment trading schemes, information about compost deliveries, shredding days, apple press days, training workshops, shows or other events that might benefit you or be of interest.
The benefits of being a member are many and easily outweigh the modest cost. In addition to the trading scheme, which also includes garlic and leek seedlings, FEDAGA membership gives you access to heavily discounted vegetable seeds, supplied by Kings Seeds. This is online and the seeds are delivered to your door.
The Annual ShowThis is held in Saughton Park at the beginning of September. We hope you find this inspirational and maybe you can win a prize for your entries. At the very least, it’s a great opportunity to meet other allotment people.
Get The NewsletterMembers receive a regular e-mail Newsletter which provides current information on all things relevant to allotment holders. As a new plotholder, you might be looking for some form of training that will help you make sense of your plot and give you the best chance of successful growing. You will find what’s available here.
Note - this is a member-only benefit. |