As adopted at the Annual General Meeting on 15th October 2014, amended at the Annual General Meeting on 25th October 2022 and at the Annual General Meeting on 24th October 2023
1. The Society shall be known as The Federation of Edinburgh and District Allotment Garden Associations.
2. The Federation shall be non-party political, and non-discriminatory.
3. The objectives of the Federation shall be: -
a) The co-ordination of Allotment Garden Associations and their work in all its branches.
b) The protection of their interests (especially of their security of tenure).
c) The improvement of their conditions.
d) To stimulate interest in and to encourage a commitment toward horticulture in allotments.
e) To purchase, on a co-operative basis, supplies for the use of the members of the Federation.
4. The Federation shall consist of affiliated Allotment Garden Associations, operating within the City of Edinburgh and District. Each affiliated Association shall pay an annual fee per member of its Association, of an amount which shall be decided at the Annual General Meeting each year. No Association shall be represented at any meeting until such fees are paid. Subscriptions become due on the 1st of January.
5. The Management Committee have the right, provided due cause has been shown, to terminate the membership of any affiliated association. An Association may appeal within 28 days from the date of receiving written notice terminating their membership to the Annual General Meeting whose decision shall be final.
6. Individuals, small groups of allotment holders not able to join an affiliated Association, community gardening groups, etc, will be accepted as associate members at an annual fee for each individual, the amount shall be decided by the Management Committee, payable on 1st January. Plot holders on City of Edinburgh Council allotment sites which do not have an association will be accepted as full members on payment of their annual fee.
7. The Office-bearers of the Federation shall consist of a President, Secretary, Treasurer, Show Secretary, Trading Secretary, Website and Newsletter Editor and these with fourteen members of committee shall form the Management Committee; and seven of these shall form a Quorum at a meeting of the Management Committee.
8. The Management Committee will appoint from their members two examiners for the purpose of examining the annual accounts.
9. The Office Bearers and members of the Management Committee shall be elected for one year at the Annual General Meeting but shall be eligible for re-election.
10. Sub-committees may be elected for special purposes, additional members with special qualifications may be asked to join.
11. The Management Committee shall meet at regular intervals no less frequently than four times per year.
12. Annual and Special General Meetings
a) The Annual General Meeting of the Federation shall be held in October of each year. Notification of the Annual General Meeting will be sent to affiliated Associations two calendar months before the meeting date, inviting nominations for Committee and any resolutions. Amendments to the Constitution or other resolutions, together with nominations for Office Bearers and Members of the Management Committee must be submitted to the Federation Secretary twenty one days prior to the meeting date. Notice of Constitution amendments and resolutions will be advised to affiliated Associations fourteen days prior to the Annual General Meeting.
b) At each AGM the business shall include the consideration of the previous AGM minutes, the annual report of the work of the Federation, the approval of the examined accounts, the election of officers and members of the Management Committee, motions submitted in line with a) above, and the transaction of such other matters as may from time to time be appropriate.
c) Special General Meetings may be held as the Management Committee or a General Meeting may determine, or on a requisition in writing to the Secretary by seven affiliated Associations. Fourteen days’ notice shall be given of a Special General Meeting.
d) Each affiliated Association will be entitled to be represented by its Secretary, as its first Delegate and one further Delegate for every fifty members. (i.e. the smallest Association may be represented at an AGM or SGM by two delegates, the Secretary and one Delegate). The names of Delegates must be advised to the Secretary twenty one days prior to the Annual General Meeting. Substitutions are allowed and these should be advised to the Secretary no later than two days prior to the meeting.
e) Each delegate attending shall have one vote on a show of hands. If a poll is called for, the Secretary, or other single representative of each Association shall have one vote for each member represented, as shown by the last payment of affiliation fees. Each associate member shall have one vote in a show of hands or a poll. In a show of hands the President shall also have a casting vote in addition to the delegate vote. In a poll the President will have a casting vote if necessary.
13. The accounts shall be examined by the Management Committee before the Annual General Meeting.
14. The Cups given for competition shall be returned by the holder fourteen days prior to the date of next competition.
15. The Management Committee alone shall give authority to issue statements to the Press and other bodies, regarding the activities of the Federation.
16. If the Management Committee by a simple majority decide at any time that it is necessary to dissolve the Federation, it shall call a Special General Meeting of affiliated Associations, of which meeting not less than 21 days’ notice (stating the terms of the resolution to be proposed at the meeting) shall be given. If such decision is confirmed by a two thirds majority on a poll vote in relation to the resolution at such meeting, the Management Committee shall sell such of the assets as appropriate and settle the debts and liabilities of the Federation. Any assets remaining after the satisfaction of such debts and liabilities shall be given or transferred to such other charitable organisation or organisations having objects similar to the objects of the Federation (e.g. SAGS, SCVO) as the Management Committee may determine for a defined time period to cater for any re-establishment of the Federation. No member or affiliated Association will receive any of the funds, property or assets by virtue of membership of the Federation.
17. Standing orders for AGMs and standing orders for Committee Meetings shall be read along with this constitution. The Constitution shall take precedence.
18. No alteration or amendment of the foregoing rules shall be made except at the Annual General Meeting, or at a Special General Meeting called for the purpose, and by two thirds of those present and voting, subject to the rules laid down in paragraph 12 above.
(Taken from recommendations by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations)
1. The composition of the Management Committee shall be as provided for in clause 7 of the Constitution.
2. The Management Committee (and all other sub-committees) shall, insofar as is possible, determine at the beginning of the Federation's year, dates and places for meetings throughout the year.
3. The Agenda for a Committee meeting is to be prepared by the Federation's Secretary. Business shall normally be dealt with in the order that it appears on the Agenda, save that the Chair of the meeting may, with its consent, give precedence to such business as is deemed urgent. Members wishing to raise new business must notify the Secretary so that it may appear on the Agenda. The Chair may, however, in his/her discretion permit new business to be raised without prior notice under "Any Other Business" or may defer such item(s) to the next meeting.
4. Any member of the Committee failing to attend 3 or more consecutive Committee meetings without a satisfactory explanation, shall automatically relinquish his/her place on the Committee.
5. The President or Secretary of the Federation may summon a special meeting of the Committee for the purpose of dealing with any matter requiring urgent attention, the consideration of which ought not to be postponed until the next Committee meeting.
6. Any casual vacancy on the Committee may be filled up by the Committee as provided for in clause 7 of the Constitution. Any person appointed to fill such a casual vacancy shall hold office until the conclusion of the next AGM of the Federation (and shall be eligible for election at that meeting).
7. The Committee may continue to act although their number is reduced below the quorum level of 7 (see clause 7 of the Constitution) provided that the continuing members only act for the purpose of filling up vacancies or convening a General meeting of the Federation until there are sufficient members to form a quorum.
8. The President of the Federation shall preside at all meetings of the Committee. If he/she is not present, the Secretary shall preside.
9. A resolution in writing, signed by all members of the Committee shall be as valid and effective as if it had been passed by the Committee duly convened and held.
10. Voting at meetings shall be by a show of hands unless a secret ballot is demanded by at least 7 members. All questions shall be decided by a simple majority, and the Chair of the meeting shall have a casting vote in the case of equality of votes. No person shall exercise more than one vote.
11. Sub-committees Special, or standing, or sub-committees may be appointed as provided for in clause 7 of the Constitution. The terms of reference, powers, duration and composition of such committees shall be determined by the Committee. Persons not being members of the Federation may be appointed to serve on any such committee, but the
number of members of any such committee who are not members of the Federation shall never exceed one-third of the total membership of such committee. The Chair of any special or standing or sub-committee shall be determined by the Committee, however such committees may appoint their own secretary. Minutes of meetings of such committees shall be made available to the Secretary of the Federation within 14 days of any meeting of any such committee. The records and papers of all such committees shall be the property of the Federation.
12. Secretary Shall circulate minutes of the previous meeting including notices of the next meetings not less than 7 days before the date of the next meeting, keep accurate record of the transactions of such meetings and present minutes of such meetings to that next following for signature by the Chair if approved as a correct record. Notwithstanding that a meeting is called by a shorter notice than above, a meeting shall proceed to business if it is so agreed by a simple majority of those present. Shall draw up an agenda in conjunction with the President; a typical agenda will contain the following items:-
Apologies, Welcome and agenda review
Date of the next meeting
Approval of the minutes of the last meeting
Matters arising not covered elsewhere
Secretaries report
Treasurers report
Sub-committee reports
Association reports
Any other business
13. President Shall ensure a proper agenda has been drawn up in conjunction with the Secretary. Is under obligation to know and understand the Federations Constitution and Standing Orders. Ensure that meetings are run competently. Ensure that discussion and decision making is democratic. Encourage all participants to take equal responsibility. Encourage everyone to have some imput. Ensure that no confusion takes place during the meeting. Summarise periodically during the meeting especially if the item under discussion is complex. If the chair offers their own opinion it must be made clear that this is a personal view rather than a summary of the committees position. Ensure that discussion on any topic should proceed -facts-opinions-decisions- actions.
14. Treasurer Shall keep records of all transaction undertaken by the Federation. The financial year shall run from 1st August to the following July 31st . Arrange for banking facilities and cheque issuing. Ensure that any cheque issued has two bank approved signatures. Ensure that in addition to his/her bank approved signature, two other members of the Management Committee have their signatures approved by the bank. Prior to each Management Committee present a financial statement for review by the Management Committee. Liaise with the examiners between the end of July and prior to the October AGM to allow a review of the transactions of the financial year. Present a financial statement to the October AGM, stating the income and expenditure for the previous 12 months July end to July end, agreed to and signed by the examiners. Present a balance sheet to the October AGM stating the financial standing and assets of the Federation, agreed to and signed by the examiners. All items of expenditure over £250 should be approved and recorded in the minutes of the Management Committee. The format of the accounts will be agreed between the treasurer and the examiners.
15. Examiners Will liaise with the Treasurer and between the 31st July and the October AGM arrange for a review of the transactions of the financial year, and satisfy themselves as to their accuracy by signing the income and expenditure statement, and balance sheet.
16. Members Shall attend meetings as notified above. If unable to attend should notify the Secretary in due time. At meetings participate in discussions to the benefit of the proceedings, learn about the issues which are going to be discussed, listen to others, think before speaking, speak clearly and be brief, do not be afraid to speak, be reasonable and listen to other people’s point of view.
17. Precedence The Constitution shall take precedence over these Standing Orders.
(Taken from recommendations by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations)
1. Meetings
1.1. The Annual General Meeting of the Federation shall be held each year upon the giving of the length of notice prescribed in Clause 12.a. of the Federation's Constitution. Other Special General Meetings may be held as provided for in Clause 12.c.
1.2. The accidental omission to give notice to, or the non-receipt of the notice by, any person shall not invalidate the proceedings at any meeting.
1.3. The President of the Federation (or, in his/her absence the secretary or other member of the Management Committee) shall take the Chair and preside at every general meeting.
1.4. At any General Meeting, matters put to the vote shall be decided as provided for in Clause 12.e. of the Federations Constitution.
1.5. No motion or amendment shall be discussed unless it has been moved and seconded by persons present at the meeting and submitted in writing as provided for in Clause 12.a. of the Federations Constitution. Any amendment shall be discussed at a time, but notice of further amendments (if any) must be given before the first amendment is put to the vote. Amendments shall be taken in the sequence in which they propose to amend the motion. The mover of an amendment shall not be entitled to reply.
1.6. A call for a poll may be made and seconded by any of the delegates present. There will be no debate on the call for a poll. The chairman shall arrange for the poll.
1.7. The Agenda of General Meetings shall detail the order of business as provided for in Clause 12.b. of the Federations Constitution. Matters not on the Agenda shall be discussed at the discretion of the Chair.
2. Motions
2.1. The proposer of a Motion may speak for up to five minutes.
2.2. The Motion shall be formally seconded and the seconder may reserve the right to speak at any point in the debate.
2.3. All subsequent speakers on a Motion or Amendment(s) to it, may speak for up to three minutes.
2.4. Should a speech in opposition have been made, the proposer, or the seconder, has the right to sum up at the end of debate for up to three minutes.
2.5. No speaker, other than the proposer, may address the meeting more than once on a Motion or Amendment.
2.6. The Chair has discretion over the number of speakers called on any Motion or Amendment.
2.7. Any speaker, who has a business or financial interest in any Motion, either directly or indirectly through any member of his/her immediate family, shall declare such interest prior to speaking on that Motion.
3. Amendments to Motions
3.1. Amendment(s) to any Motion shall be submitted in writing to the Chair, naming the proposer and seconder of the Amendment, and shall be debated at the discretion of the Chair.
3.2. The proposer of an Amendment has no right to sum up the debate on that Amendment.
3.3. If an Amendment is carried, debate will resume on the Motion as amended.
3.4. If an Amendment is accepted by the proposers of a Motion, then that Motion (as amended) remains the responsibility of the original proposers. 3.5. If an Amendment is not accepted by the proposers, but is adopted on a vote by the meeting, then the right to sum up the debate shall pass to the proposers of the successful Amendment.
4. Overriding Motions
4.1. After a Motion has been proposed and seconded, the following Motion may be moved and put to the meeting, at the Chairs discretion: 4.1.1. "That the meeting proceed to next business".
4.2. At any time during a debate, any of the following Motions may be moved and put to the meeting at the Chairs discretion:
4.2.1. "That the Question now be put".
4.2.2. "That the Speaker no longer be heard".
4.2.3. "That the Motion be remitted to the Management Committee for further consideration".
4.3. If the Chair accepts a Motion under 4.1.1, 4.2.1 or 4.2.2 then that Motion shall be put to the vote immediately without discussion.
4.4. If the Chair accepts a Motion under 4.2 3 then that Motion to remit shall be put to the vote immediately without discussion, save that the proposer of the original Motion has the right of brief comment before the vote is taken.
5. Points of Information, Explanation or Order
At the Chair's discretion, the following may be raised at any time:
5.1. Point of Information
A delegate may ask for factual information to be provided which is critical to a point under debate, including a request to the speaker to declare any interest in the Motion, as set out in Standing Order 2.7 above.
5.2. Point of Personal Explanation
A delegate who believes that he/she has been misrepresented in debate may ask to be allowed to clarify points raised.
5.3. Point of Order
A delegate may seek guidance as to whether Standing Orders and/or the Federation's Constitution are being transgressed during a debate, and can request the Chair to make a ruling.
5.4. Chair's Decision
The decision of the Chair on all matters of policy, and on the interpretation of these Standing Orders, shall be final, unless a challenge is supported by at least 51% of delegates present in the hall. In the event of a challenge by the requisite number of delegates, a Deputy Chair shall assume the chair and preside over a debate on the ruling, consisting of one speech in favour of the challenge and one speech against. A simple majority vote of members present shall determine the matter, following which the chairperson will resume the chair.
6. Nominations and Elections
6.1. Nominations for Office Bearers and members of the Management Committee shall be made as provided for in Clause 12.a. of the Federations Constitution. No nomination shall be accepted unless the consent of the nominee has been previously obtained.
6.2. The Secretary may, in his/her absolute discretion, accept late nominations and the Chair may, in his/her absolute discretion, accept nominations made at the Annual general meeting, provided that this will enable vacancies to be filled and will not result in a vote.
6.3. Each officer shall be elected separately. Members of the Management Committee may be elected en bloc.
6.4. Should nominations exceed vacancies, election shall be by voting as provided for in Clause 12.d and 12.e. of the Federations Constitution.
7. Precedence
7.1 The Constitution shall take precedence over these standing orders.
1. The Society shall be known as The Federation of Edinburgh and District Allotment Garden Associations.
2. The Federation shall be non-party political, and non-discriminatory.
3. The objectives of the Federation shall be: -
a) The co-ordination of Allotment Garden Associations and their work in all its branches.
b) The protection of their interests (especially of their security of tenure).
c) The improvement of their conditions.
d) To stimulate interest in and to encourage a commitment toward horticulture in allotments.
e) To purchase, on a co-operative basis, supplies for the use of the members of the Federation.
4. The Federation shall consist of affiliated Allotment Garden Associations, operating within the City of Edinburgh and District. Each affiliated Association shall pay an annual fee per member of its Association, of an amount which shall be decided at the Annual General Meeting each year. No Association shall be represented at any meeting until such fees are paid. Subscriptions become due on the 1st of January.
5. The Management Committee have the right, provided due cause has been shown, to terminate the membership of any affiliated association. An Association may appeal within 28 days from the date of receiving written notice terminating their membership to the Annual General Meeting whose decision shall be final.
6. Individuals, small groups of allotment holders not able to join an affiliated Association, community gardening groups, etc, will be accepted as associate members at an annual fee for each individual, the amount shall be decided by the Management Committee, payable on 1st January. Plot holders on City of Edinburgh Council allotment sites which do not have an association will be accepted as full members on payment of their annual fee.
7. The Office-bearers of the Federation shall consist of a President, Secretary, Treasurer, Show Secretary, Trading Secretary, Website and Newsletter Editor and these with fourteen members of committee shall form the Management Committee; and seven of these shall form a Quorum at a meeting of the Management Committee.
8. The Management Committee will appoint from their members two examiners for the purpose of examining the annual accounts.
9. The Office Bearers and members of the Management Committee shall be elected for one year at the Annual General Meeting but shall be eligible for re-election.
10. Sub-committees may be elected for special purposes, additional members with special qualifications may be asked to join.
11. The Management Committee shall meet at regular intervals no less frequently than four times per year.
12. Annual and Special General Meetings
a) The Annual General Meeting of the Federation shall be held in October of each year. Notification of the Annual General Meeting will be sent to affiliated Associations two calendar months before the meeting date, inviting nominations for Committee and any resolutions. Amendments to the Constitution or other resolutions, together with nominations for Office Bearers and Members of the Management Committee must be submitted to the Federation Secretary twenty one days prior to the meeting date. Notice of Constitution amendments and resolutions will be advised to affiliated Associations fourteen days prior to the Annual General Meeting.
b) At each AGM the business shall include the consideration of the previous AGM minutes, the annual report of the work of the Federation, the approval of the examined accounts, the election of officers and members of the Management Committee, motions submitted in line with a) above, and the transaction of such other matters as may from time to time be appropriate.
c) Special General Meetings may be held as the Management Committee or a General Meeting may determine, or on a requisition in writing to the Secretary by seven affiliated Associations. Fourteen days’ notice shall be given of a Special General Meeting.
d) Each affiliated Association will be entitled to be represented by its Secretary, as its first Delegate and one further Delegate for every fifty members. (i.e. the smallest Association may be represented at an AGM or SGM by two delegates, the Secretary and one Delegate). The names of Delegates must be advised to the Secretary twenty one days prior to the Annual General Meeting. Substitutions are allowed and these should be advised to the Secretary no later than two days prior to the meeting.
e) Each delegate attending shall have one vote on a show of hands. If a poll is called for, the Secretary, or other single representative of each Association shall have one vote for each member represented, as shown by the last payment of affiliation fees. Each associate member shall have one vote in a show of hands or a poll. In a show of hands the President shall also have a casting vote in addition to the delegate vote. In a poll the President will have a casting vote if necessary.
13. The accounts shall be examined by the Management Committee before the Annual General Meeting.
14. The Cups given for competition shall be returned by the holder fourteen days prior to the date of next competition.
15. The Management Committee alone shall give authority to issue statements to the Press and other bodies, regarding the activities of the Federation.
16. If the Management Committee by a simple majority decide at any time that it is necessary to dissolve the Federation, it shall call a Special General Meeting of affiliated Associations, of which meeting not less than 21 days’ notice (stating the terms of the resolution to be proposed at the meeting) shall be given. If such decision is confirmed by a two thirds majority on a poll vote in relation to the resolution at such meeting, the Management Committee shall sell such of the assets as appropriate and settle the debts and liabilities of the Federation. Any assets remaining after the satisfaction of such debts and liabilities shall be given or transferred to such other charitable organisation or organisations having objects similar to the objects of the Federation (e.g. SAGS, SCVO) as the Management Committee may determine for a defined time period to cater for any re-establishment of the Federation. No member or affiliated Association will receive any of the funds, property or assets by virtue of membership of the Federation.
17. Standing orders for AGMs and standing orders for Committee Meetings shall be read along with this constitution. The Constitution shall take precedence.
18. No alteration or amendment of the foregoing rules shall be made except at the Annual General Meeting, or at a Special General Meeting called for the purpose, and by two thirds of those present and voting, subject to the rules laid down in paragraph 12 above.
(Taken from recommendations by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations)
1. The composition of the Management Committee shall be as provided for in clause 7 of the Constitution.
2. The Management Committee (and all other sub-committees) shall, insofar as is possible, determine at the beginning of the Federation's year, dates and places for meetings throughout the year.
3. The Agenda for a Committee meeting is to be prepared by the Federation's Secretary. Business shall normally be dealt with in the order that it appears on the Agenda, save that the Chair of the meeting may, with its consent, give precedence to such business as is deemed urgent. Members wishing to raise new business must notify the Secretary so that it may appear on the Agenda. The Chair may, however, in his/her discretion permit new business to be raised without prior notice under "Any Other Business" or may defer such item(s) to the next meeting.
4. Any member of the Committee failing to attend 3 or more consecutive Committee meetings without a satisfactory explanation, shall automatically relinquish his/her place on the Committee.
5. The President or Secretary of the Federation may summon a special meeting of the Committee for the purpose of dealing with any matter requiring urgent attention, the consideration of which ought not to be postponed until the next Committee meeting.
6. Any casual vacancy on the Committee may be filled up by the Committee as provided for in clause 7 of the Constitution. Any person appointed to fill such a casual vacancy shall hold office until the conclusion of the next AGM of the Federation (and shall be eligible for election at that meeting).
7. The Committee may continue to act although their number is reduced below the quorum level of 7 (see clause 7 of the Constitution) provided that the continuing members only act for the purpose of filling up vacancies or convening a General meeting of the Federation until there are sufficient members to form a quorum.
8. The President of the Federation shall preside at all meetings of the Committee. If he/she is not present, the Secretary shall preside.
9. A resolution in writing, signed by all members of the Committee shall be as valid and effective as if it had been passed by the Committee duly convened and held.
10. Voting at meetings shall be by a show of hands unless a secret ballot is demanded by at least 7 members. All questions shall be decided by a simple majority, and the Chair of the meeting shall have a casting vote in the case of equality of votes. No person shall exercise more than one vote.
11. Sub-committees Special, or standing, or sub-committees may be appointed as provided for in clause 7 of the Constitution. The terms of reference, powers, duration and composition of such committees shall be determined by the Committee. Persons not being members of the Federation may be appointed to serve on any such committee, but the
number of members of any such committee who are not members of the Federation shall never exceed one-third of the total membership of such committee. The Chair of any special or standing or sub-committee shall be determined by the Committee, however such committees may appoint their own secretary. Minutes of meetings of such committees shall be made available to the Secretary of the Federation within 14 days of any meeting of any such committee. The records and papers of all such committees shall be the property of the Federation.
12. Secretary Shall circulate minutes of the previous meeting including notices of the next meetings not less than 7 days before the date of the next meeting, keep accurate record of the transactions of such meetings and present minutes of such meetings to that next following for signature by the Chair if approved as a correct record. Notwithstanding that a meeting is called by a shorter notice than above, a meeting shall proceed to business if it is so agreed by a simple majority of those present. Shall draw up an agenda in conjunction with the President; a typical agenda will contain the following items:-
Apologies, Welcome and agenda review
Date of the next meeting
Approval of the minutes of the last meeting
Matters arising not covered elsewhere
Secretaries report
Treasurers report
Sub-committee reports
Association reports
Any other business
13. President Shall ensure a proper agenda has been drawn up in conjunction with the Secretary. Is under obligation to know and understand the Federations Constitution and Standing Orders. Ensure that meetings are run competently. Ensure that discussion and decision making is democratic. Encourage all participants to take equal responsibility. Encourage everyone to have some imput. Ensure that no confusion takes place during the meeting. Summarise periodically during the meeting especially if the item under discussion is complex. If the chair offers their own opinion it must be made clear that this is a personal view rather than a summary of the committees position. Ensure that discussion on any topic should proceed -facts-opinions-decisions- actions.
14. Treasurer Shall keep records of all transaction undertaken by the Federation. The financial year shall run from 1st August to the following July 31st . Arrange for banking facilities and cheque issuing. Ensure that any cheque issued has two bank approved signatures. Ensure that in addition to his/her bank approved signature, two other members of the Management Committee have their signatures approved by the bank. Prior to each Management Committee present a financial statement for review by the Management Committee. Liaise with the examiners between the end of July and prior to the October AGM to allow a review of the transactions of the financial year. Present a financial statement to the October AGM, stating the income and expenditure for the previous 12 months July end to July end, agreed to and signed by the examiners. Present a balance sheet to the October AGM stating the financial standing and assets of the Federation, agreed to and signed by the examiners. All items of expenditure over £250 should be approved and recorded in the minutes of the Management Committee. The format of the accounts will be agreed between the treasurer and the examiners.
15. Examiners Will liaise with the Treasurer and between the 31st July and the October AGM arrange for a review of the transactions of the financial year, and satisfy themselves as to their accuracy by signing the income and expenditure statement, and balance sheet.
16. Members Shall attend meetings as notified above. If unable to attend should notify the Secretary in due time. At meetings participate in discussions to the benefit of the proceedings, learn about the issues which are going to be discussed, listen to others, think before speaking, speak clearly and be brief, do not be afraid to speak, be reasonable and listen to other people’s point of view.
17. Precedence The Constitution shall take precedence over these Standing Orders.
(Taken from recommendations by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations)
1. Meetings
1.1. The Annual General Meeting of the Federation shall be held each year upon the giving of the length of notice prescribed in Clause 12.a. of the Federation's Constitution. Other Special General Meetings may be held as provided for in Clause 12.c.
1.2. The accidental omission to give notice to, or the non-receipt of the notice by, any person shall not invalidate the proceedings at any meeting.
1.3. The President of the Federation (or, in his/her absence the secretary or other member of the Management Committee) shall take the Chair and preside at every general meeting.
1.4. At any General Meeting, matters put to the vote shall be decided as provided for in Clause 12.e. of the Federations Constitution.
1.5. No motion or amendment shall be discussed unless it has been moved and seconded by persons present at the meeting and submitted in writing as provided for in Clause 12.a. of the Federations Constitution. Any amendment shall be discussed at a time, but notice of further amendments (if any) must be given before the first amendment is put to the vote. Amendments shall be taken in the sequence in which they propose to amend the motion. The mover of an amendment shall not be entitled to reply.
1.6. A call for a poll may be made and seconded by any of the delegates present. There will be no debate on the call for a poll. The chairman shall arrange for the poll.
1.7. The Agenda of General Meetings shall detail the order of business as provided for in Clause 12.b. of the Federations Constitution. Matters not on the Agenda shall be discussed at the discretion of the Chair.
2. Motions
2.1. The proposer of a Motion may speak for up to five minutes.
2.2. The Motion shall be formally seconded and the seconder may reserve the right to speak at any point in the debate.
2.3. All subsequent speakers on a Motion or Amendment(s) to it, may speak for up to three minutes.
2.4. Should a speech in opposition have been made, the proposer, or the seconder, has the right to sum up at the end of debate for up to three minutes.
2.5. No speaker, other than the proposer, may address the meeting more than once on a Motion or Amendment.
2.6. The Chair has discretion over the number of speakers called on any Motion or Amendment.
2.7. Any speaker, who has a business or financial interest in any Motion, either directly or indirectly through any member of his/her immediate family, shall declare such interest prior to speaking on that Motion.
3. Amendments to Motions
3.1. Amendment(s) to any Motion shall be submitted in writing to the Chair, naming the proposer and seconder of the Amendment, and shall be debated at the discretion of the Chair.
3.2. The proposer of an Amendment has no right to sum up the debate on that Amendment.
3.3. If an Amendment is carried, debate will resume on the Motion as amended.
3.4. If an Amendment is accepted by the proposers of a Motion, then that Motion (as amended) remains the responsibility of the original proposers. 3.5. If an Amendment is not accepted by the proposers, but is adopted on a vote by the meeting, then the right to sum up the debate shall pass to the proposers of the successful Amendment.
4. Overriding Motions
4.1. After a Motion has been proposed and seconded, the following Motion may be moved and put to the meeting, at the Chairs discretion: 4.1.1. "That the meeting proceed to next business".
4.2. At any time during a debate, any of the following Motions may be moved and put to the meeting at the Chairs discretion:
4.2.1. "That the Question now be put".
4.2.2. "That the Speaker no longer be heard".
4.2.3. "That the Motion be remitted to the Management Committee for further consideration".
4.3. If the Chair accepts a Motion under 4.1.1, 4.2.1 or 4.2.2 then that Motion shall be put to the vote immediately without discussion.
4.4. If the Chair accepts a Motion under 4.2 3 then that Motion to remit shall be put to the vote immediately without discussion, save that the proposer of the original Motion has the right of brief comment before the vote is taken.
5. Points of Information, Explanation or Order
At the Chair's discretion, the following may be raised at any time:
5.1. Point of Information
A delegate may ask for factual information to be provided which is critical to a point under debate, including a request to the speaker to declare any interest in the Motion, as set out in Standing Order 2.7 above.
5.2. Point of Personal Explanation
A delegate who believes that he/she has been misrepresented in debate may ask to be allowed to clarify points raised.
5.3. Point of Order
A delegate may seek guidance as to whether Standing Orders and/or the Federation's Constitution are being transgressed during a debate, and can request the Chair to make a ruling.
5.4. Chair's Decision
The decision of the Chair on all matters of policy, and on the interpretation of these Standing Orders, shall be final, unless a challenge is supported by at least 51% of delegates present in the hall. In the event of a challenge by the requisite number of delegates, a Deputy Chair shall assume the chair and preside over a debate on the ruling, consisting of one speech in favour of the challenge and one speech against. A simple majority vote of members present shall determine the matter, following which the chairperson will resume the chair.
6. Nominations and Elections
6.1. Nominations for Office Bearers and members of the Management Committee shall be made as provided for in Clause 12.a. of the Federations Constitution. No nomination shall be accepted unless the consent of the nominee has been previously obtained.
6.2. The Secretary may, in his/her absolute discretion, accept late nominations and the Chair may, in his/her absolute discretion, accept nominations made at the Annual general meeting, provided that this will enable vacancies to be filled and will not result in a vote.
6.3. Each officer shall be elected separately. Members of the Management Committee may be elected en bloc.
6.4. Should nominations exceed vacancies, election shall be by voting as provided for in Clause 12.d and 12.e. of the Federations Constitution.
7. Precedence
7.1 The Constitution shall take precedence over these standing orders.