FEDAGA sends out a regular electronic newsletter to members. The newsletter will keep you up to date with news of events, developments in the city and anything else of relevance.
For Council allotment holders, ensure you pay your subscription along with the plot rent. Provide the Council with your e-mail address and consent to this being shared with FEDAGA. A Newsletter should start appearing in your inbox regularly.
Independently managed sites have their own arrangements. By paying your subscription, providing an e-mail address to your site and consenting to allowing this to be shared with FEDAGA you will be added to the database.
For Council allotment holders, ensure you pay your subscription along with the plot rent. Provide the Council with your e-mail address and consent to this being shared with FEDAGA. A Newsletter should start appearing in your inbox regularly.
Independently managed sites have their own arrangements. By paying your subscription, providing an e-mail address to your site and consenting to allowing this to be shared with FEDAGA you will be added to the database.