Guide to the Show Classes
All the Classes in the Show are grouped together into Sections. Most Sections have trophies which are awarded to the person gaining most points in the Classes in that Section. A list of all the trophies and their Classes is shown below.
The judges award the following number of points for each Class.
5 points for each First place
2 points for each Second place
1 point for each Third place
The Robin Harper Green Cup is awarded for the best organic vegetable exhibit. To signify your exhibit has been grown organically and therefore qualifies; please ask for a 'green dot' sticker to fix to your entry card. If will then be considered for this award.
Evening News Trophy for Roses - Classes 1 and 2
Andrew Judge Memorial Cup for Dahlias - Classes 3 to 6
St. Vincent Cup (2) for Gladioli - Classes 9 and 10
Bill Nicoll Memorial Trophy for Sweet Peas - Class 11
St. Vincent Cup (1) for Flowers - Classes 1 to 12
Murphy Cup for Onions - Classes 109 to 113
William Nicoll Cup for Best Onion Exhibit - best exhibit in classes 109 to 113
Garden News Shield for Potatoes - Classes 126 to 129
St. Vincent Cup (3) for Vegetables - Classes 100 to 137
Horsburgh Trophy for Individual Vegetable Collection - Class 200
G M Stuart Memorial Cup for Site Vegetable Collection - Class 201
Salad Bowl for Salad Collection - Class 203
National Vegetable Society Medal for Best Vegetable Exhibit - best exhibit in classes 100 to 137
Robin Harper Green Cup for Best Organic Entry - best organically grown exhibit in classes 100 to 137
Lady Road Fruit Bowl for Fruit - Classes 400 to 406
St. Vincent Plate for Plot to Plate - Classes 500 to 508
Watson Junior Trophy for Best in Children's Section - Classes 600 to 608
The judges award the following number of points for each Class.
5 points for each First place
2 points for each Second place
1 point for each Third place
The Robin Harper Green Cup is awarded for the best organic vegetable exhibit. To signify your exhibit has been grown organically and therefore qualifies; please ask for a 'green dot' sticker to fix to your entry card. If will then be considered for this award.
Evening News Trophy for Roses - Classes 1 and 2
Andrew Judge Memorial Cup for Dahlias - Classes 3 to 6
St. Vincent Cup (2) for Gladioli - Classes 9 and 10
Bill Nicoll Memorial Trophy for Sweet Peas - Class 11
St. Vincent Cup (1) for Flowers - Classes 1 to 12
Murphy Cup for Onions - Classes 109 to 113
William Nicoll Cup for Best Onion Exhibit - best exhibit in classes 109 to 113
Garden News Shield for Potatoes - Classes 126 to 129
St. Vincent Cup (3) for Vegetables - Classes 100 to 137
Horsburgh Trophy for Individual Vegetable Collection - Class 200
G M Stuart Memorial Cup for Site Vegetable Collection - Class 201
Salad Bowl for Salad Collection - Class 203
National Vegetable Society Medal for Best Vegetable Exhibit - best exhibit in classes 100 to 137
Robin Harper Green Cup for Best Organic Entry - best organically grown exhibit in classes 100 to 137
Lady Road Fruit Bowl for Fruit - Classes 400 to 406
St. Vincent Plate for Plot to Plate - Classes 500 to 508
Watson Junior Trophy for Best in Children's Section - Classes 600 to 608