The 2017 Edinburgh Allotment Show
The 2017 Show built on the modest return of last year and was a great success. Numbers of entrants, entries and visitors were way up. As was the quality of exhibits in another challenging meteorological year. The dry start was followed by a cold spell, then a lot of rain. Records were broken.
Immense thanks to Cllr. Lesley Macinnes, City of Edinburgh Council Transport and Environment Convenor for expert prize giving and trophy awarding as well as a brief, heartfelt speech. We are indebted to Dr. Mark Hocart, SRUC Postgraduate Manager and Dean of the Edinburgh Campus for conducting a plant pathology advice clinic. Gratitude and respect to Prof. John Grace who pulled it all together as Show Secretary and MC'd with great aplomb. But most importantly - thank you to all who participated.
Immense thanks to Cllr. Lesley Macinnes, City of Edinburgh Council Transport and Environment Convenor for expert prize giving and trophy awarding as well as a brief, heartfelt speech. We are indebted to Dr. Mark Hocart, SRUC Postgraduate Manager and Dean of the Edinburgh Campus for conducting a plant pathology advice clinic. Gratitude and respect to Prof. John Grace who pulled it all together as Show Secretary and MC'd with great aplomb. But most importantly - thank you to all who participated.